With the advent of science and technology cars, virtually a fleet of them
are enabling millions worldwide to travel large distances in the shortest amount
of time possible. What抯 interesting is that with the increase in the number of
cars the amount of car theft has also increased worldwide. This alarming
scenario of car thefts all around the world have brought to the fore the
importance of having car alarms installed in one抯 vehicle. The car alarms are
the one of a kind solution to deter thieves. Car alarms are basically devices or
rather sensors which are installed in a vehicle to prevent the theft of the
vehicle or any of its contents and parts.
The car alarms usually works by
emitting high volume beeps or various other kind of sounds mostly according to
the customization of the user Autel
MaxiDiag MD808. In some cases the car horn, klaxon sounds or pre-recorded
warnings are used. The car alarms are triggered by an entire spectrum of
signals. They include vibrations of any sorts, opening of the hood or the boot.
Touching of the door or any part of the car can cause the car alarm to go off.
In some cases the car alarms are also accompanied by the flashing of the lights
of the car. If you are the one with a fetish for total control and want complete
security you can even customize settings of the car alarm with a pager system so
that you get informed as soon as someone tries to tamper with your beloved
The two main categories of car alarms available are the OEM and
the after-market alarms. The OEM car alarms are the ones which are built into
the car from the factory. The after-market car alarms are the ones which are
installed after the car is rolled out of the assembly line. The after-markets
are obviously the ones which are flashy and come with better features. Arming
and disarming of the car alarms are usually done using a remote
In the past few years the world has becoming high tech and thus
the car alarms have also evolved beyond the realms of normal imagination. A gush
of technological rush has transformed the car alarm system into something really
flashy fashion statement obviously with the safety and security measures.
Nowadays the car alarms come with different aspects and types wherein there are
typical responses to the different parts of the car Autel
Diaglink, quite literally. The Power door locks, Power lock kits, Power
window kits, Window conversion kits are some the latest new toys in the market
right now. The use of each is evident from the names and they provide safety to
particular areas of the car making the safety of the car much more
With the introduction of the GPS systems the car alarms
have crossed all limits and safety of your vehicle is now fool-proof. It has
become rather easy to spot your car on the run. With the added advantages of
some features like the unsuspecting thief is allowed to drive away for a couple
of miles after which the car will automatically come to a stop with the ringing
of sirens have made the car alarms a must have in the car. Other important
aspects like that of the electronic immobilizers that prevent ignition bypass,
air horns, microwave detectors to detect slightest of movements and LED lights
the car horns serve as the most effective and easy affordable way to protect
your car.